All of our team members have full time obligations to our employers and families. We’re working on this project as unpaid volunteers. No university is financing our efforts and no major car company is providing us ready-made parts and technology.
We believe that sustainability is not only in everybody’s best interest, it’s everybody’s responsibility. The world cannot wait for a solution to be handed down from the existing auto manufacturers. We have to do this ourselves.
Right now our team is financing innovation out of our own pockets. Our funds will only go so far. We need your help. If sustainable mobility is something you believe in, please consider donating to our cause.
Our wish list:
- monetary donations -> whatever you can spare
- donations of goods -> from tools, parts, to even food to help fuel the team
- donations of services -> maybe your area of expertise can help us reach our goal
If you would like to donate money (even as little as a few bucks), click on the “Donate” button below. You will be taken to PayPal’s site, where you can use your credit card to make a donation.
You will receive is a Thank You on this site (see Sponsors page), the ability to say that you helped a good cause, and some good karma.
Please contact Kevin at with any questions, suggestions, or to pledge your support.