We’re trying to adapt the site based on feedback we’re received from some of you. One person asked for a blog and the team has done what they can to blog some of their more interesting thoughts and adventures as they have time. We’re also trying to post more photos to show you progress to the construction of “Seven.”
The Progressive Automotive X Prize team has urged Team IMW to become active in Facebook since social networking is one way of educating the public about the need for alternative fuel vehicles. So there is now a fan page for the team (“l’luminati Motor Works“) where you can view additional photos and engage in discussions (even start some yourself!). While you’re at it, if you’re a fan of the competition, check out the Progressive Automotive X Prize Facebook group as well and get to know the other teams.
As a part of their participation with Hyundai and the 2008 Maker Faire, the team will also be blogging and possibly web-camming. More info to follow as we find out the details of where to go to see that.
Finally, we’ve revamped the donation thank you section of the site to show tiered donation levels rather than exact amounts. It’s more fun that way. Seriously: you can toute that you’re a “Flux Capaciter Level Donor” and everyone on your block will be jealous.
Got more suggestions? Maybe a beef with the site? Email me. We’re trying to do the best we can with the time and resources available. First priority goes to building the car. Second priority is making a user-friendly, quickly updated site so that you can see what your donations are helping to build. Third goes to goes to getting donations for the project because money is getting tight.