Here we go again!

Unless you have a car that was already completed the time between events is a mad dash to fix everything Xprize finds wrong with your car. Seven made it through technical last time, but we knew she could be better. We now have systems that should all work. I say should because I have crimped hundreds of connections, and wore out a Mac tools crimper, any one of those connections could cause a problem. We also discovered a flaw in a few of our battery box connection that we had to deal with last night. Our car really needs a VCU and about two years of tuning at our skill level. Don’t get me wrong the car performs but she isn’t as user friendly as I would like her to be. I want anyone to be able to get in seven and get to where they need to go and have a hard time understanding why people drive gas cars. We really need to get our pack balanced and when you have a 30kwh pack that can take some time. If you were to try and balance the pack in the middle of the charge discharge curve you could be waiting the rest of your life literally
Illuminati is pretty much ego-less we have no real agenda, well maybe a little one. I for example want people to realize that you don’t have to accept the world as it is, you don’t. Ordinary people can choose to take on the burden do the impossible and shift the paradigm. People, we honestly don’t need to waste our time at the gas station, plug in your car at home and spend that time you use to spend at the gas station, with your family. Speaking of families, I miss my family my wife is practically a widow as many wives and husbands are I am sure. My baby girl is starting to crawl and I am spending every free moment building an Xprize car I really hope it is worth it. Nobody will ever be able to give me back my first child’s first year. When time permits it is nice to roll around on the floor with her and make her laugh, anyway. I have given all I can possible give to this project succeed or fail I will know there was nothing more I could have done. Don’t get me wrong I want to win. We spent so much time doing the impossible we forgot we aren’t supposed to be able to. When all is said and done, no matter the outcome, we know we have dared to do, and that is all that really matters.

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